Saturday 28 May 2011

Syllabus for IES/ISS Exam 2011

Union Public Service Commission is Conducting Indian Economic Service/Indial Statistical Service  Exam on December 3rd, 2011.

Last Date to Apply - August 29, 2011...

Have a look on the Syllabus

Part I

General English: Candidates will be required to write an essay in English. Other questions will be designed to test their understanding of English and workmanlike use of words. Passages will usually be set for summary or précis.

General Studies: General Knowledge including knowledge of current events and of such matters of every day observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will also include questions on Indian Polity including the political system and the Constitution of India, History of India and Geography of a nature which the candidate should be able to answer without special study.

General Economics-I:

1. Theory of Consumer's Demand: Cardinal Utility analysis, Indifference Curve analysis - Income and Substitution Effects, the Slutsky theorem - revealed Preference approach.

2. Theory of Production - Factors of Production - Production Functions - forms of Production Function: Cobb-Douglas, CES and Fixed Co-efficient type - Laws of returns - Returns to scale and returns to a factor - Partial equilibrium versus general equilibrium approach - Equilibrium of the firm and the Industry.

3. Theory of Value: Pricing under various forms of market organisation like perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly. Public Utility Pricing: Marginal cost pricing, Peak load pricing.

4. Theory of Distribution: Macro-distribution theories of Ricardo, Marx, Kalecki, Kaldor-Neo-classical approach: Marginal productivity theory of determination of factor prices - factor shares and the 'adding up' problem - Euler's theorem - pricing of factors under imperfect competition.

5. Welfare Economics - inter-personal comparison and aggregation problem, divergence between social and private welfare, compensation principle, Pareto optimality, Social choice and other recent schools, including Coase and Sen.

6. Concept of national income and social accounting - measurement of national income - Inter-relationship between three measures of national income in the presence of the Government sector and international transactions. Measuring Economic Welfare - socio-economic indicators approach: PQLI and H.D. Index.

7. Theory of Employment, Output and Inflation - the Classicial and neo-classical approaches - Keynesian theory of Employment - Post-Keynesian developments - the Inflationary gap - Demand-Pull versus Cost-Push Inflation - the Phillip's Curve and its policy implications.

8. Mathematical Methods in Economics: Derivatives - basic rules of differentiation and its applications to economic functions- Optimisation (concept) - Matrices and their applications in Economics, Input-Output model (concept), Linear Programming and its applications.

General Economics-II:

1. Concept of economic growth and development and their measurement - Characteristics of less developed countries (LDCs) and obstacles to their development - growth, poverty and income distribution - Theories of growth: Classicial Approach: Adam Smith, Marx and Schumpeter - Neo-classical Approach: Robinson, Solow, Kaldor and Harrod-Domar - Theories of Economic Development: Rostow, Rosenstein-Rodan, Nurkse, Hirschman, Leibenstein and Arthur Lewis, Amin and Frank (Dependency school); respective role of the State and the market.

2. International Economics: Gains from International Trade, terms of trade, trade policy, international trade and economic development - Theories of International Trade: Ricardo, Haberler, Heckscher-Ohlin and Stolper-Samuelson - Theory of Tariffs - Regional Trade Arrangements.

3. Balance of Payments: Disequilibrium in Balance of Payments, Mechanism of Adjustments, Foreign Trade Multiplier, Exchange Rates, Import and Exchange Controls and Multiple Exchange Rates.

4. Global Institutions: UN agencies; World Bank, IMF and WTO, Multinational Corporations.

5. Money and Banking: its functions and value-quantity Theory of Money: Cash Transaction Approach and the Cash Balances Approach, Friedman's Restatement of the Quantity Theory of Money - the instruments of monetary control - the neutrality of money - the money multiplier.

6. Statistical and Econometric methods: averages, dispersions, correlation and regression, time series, index numbers, sampling and survey methods, testing of hypotheses, simple non-parametric tests, drawing of curves based on various linear and non-linear functions; least square methods, other multivariate analysis (only concepts and interpretation of results); ANOVA, factor analysis, principal component analysis, discriminant analysis. Income distributions: Pareto Law of distribution - log-normal distrubution - measurement of income inequality - Lorenz Curve and Gini co-efficient.

General Economics-III:

1. Environmental Economics: Club of Rome, Founex report, Stockholm and Rio Earth summit reports, Convention on Biodiversity, Montreal Protocol on CFC, global warming; externalities, public goods, economic implication of various types of environmental degradation - air, noise, water pollution and exhaustion of non-renewable resources; resource accounting, biological wealth and its depletion or accretion as a part of GDP estimates and sustainable development; remedies : regulations, taxes, market based solutions such as privatisation and pollution permits.

2. Urbanisation and migration - Lewis, Todaro; informal sector, urban labour market, urban poverty.

3. Project Appraisal: Criteria for project choices: Internal rate of return, net present value and benefit-costs ratio - social rate of discount - shadow prices of capital, unskilled labour and foreign exchange. Use of project appraisal methods in India.

4. Financial and Capital Markets: finance and economic development -financial markets - stock market, gilt market, foreign exchange market - Banking and insurance.

5. Fiscal policy and its objectives - limitations of fiscal policy - theories of taxation and expenditure - objectives and effects of public expenditure - effects and incidence of taxation - deficit financing - theory of public debt, debt management, complementarity of monetary and fiscal policy with debt.

6. State, Market and Planning: concept and types of planning - rationale of planning in a developing economy - limitations of planning, economics of regulations, decentralised planning.

Indian Economics:

1. History of development and planning - alternative development strategies - goal of self reliance based on import substitution and the post-1991 globalisation strategies based on stabilisation and structural adjustment packages.

2. (a) Decentralised Planning: Panchayat experience-constitutional obligations, Balwantrai Mehta Committee, Ashok Mehta Committee and other reports, financial aspects of 73rd and 74th constitutional amendments. (b) Union-State financial relations: Constitutional provisions relating to fiscal and financial powers of the states, financal aspect fo Sarkaria Commission Report, Finance Commissions and their formulae for sharing taxes.

3. Poverty, Unemployment and Human Development during plan period - Appraisal of Government measures - India's human development record in global perspective.

4. Agriculture and Rural Development: Strategies including those relating to technologies and institutions: land relations and land reforms, rural credit, modern farm inputs and marketing - price policy and subsidies; commercialisation and diversification. Rural development programmes including poverty alleviation programmes: development of economic and social infrastructure.

5. India's experience with Urbanisation and Migration - Different types of migratory flows and their impact on the economies of their origin and destination, the process of growth of urban settlements: urban strategies.

6. Industry: Strategy of industrial development - Industrial Policy Reform; Reservation Policy relating to small scale industries. Sources of industrial finances - bank, share market, insurance companies, pension funds, non-banking sources and foreign direct investment; role of foreign capital for direct investment and portfolio investment. Public sector reform, privatisation and disinvestment.

7. Labour: Employment, unemployment and under-employment - industrial relations and labour welfare - strategies for employment generation - Urban labour market and informal sector employment; report of National Commission on labour, Social issues relating to labour e.g. Child labour, Bonded labour.

8. Foreign trade: Salient features of India's foreign trade - composition, direction and organisation of trade: recent changes in trade policy; Balance of payments, tariff policy, exchange rate and WTO requirements.

9. Money and Banking: Organisation of India's money market - changing roles of the Reserve Bank of India, commercial banks, development finance institutions, foreign banks and non-banking financial institutions.

10. Budgeting and Fiscal Policy: Tax, expenditure, budgetary deficits, debt and fiscal reforms. Black money and Parallel economy in India - definition, estimates, genesis, consequences and remedies.


(i) Probaility: Elements of measure theory, Classical definitions and axiomatic approach. Sample space. Class of events and Probability measure. Laws of total and compound probability. Probability of m events out of n. Conditional probability, Bayes' theorem. Random variables - discrete and continuous. Distribution function. Standard probability distributions - Bernoulli, uniform, binomial, Poisson, geometric, rectangular, exponential, normal, Cauchy, hypergeometric, multinomial, Laplace, negative binomial, beta, gamma, lognormal and compound. Poisson distribution. Joint distributions, conditional distributions, Distributions of functions of random variables. Convergence in distribution, in probability, with probability one and in mean square. Moments and cumulants. Mathematical expectation and conditional expectation. Characteristic function and moment and probability generating functions Inversion uniqueness and continuity theorems. Borel 0-1 law: Kolmogorov's 0-1 law. Tchebycheff's and Kolmogorov's inequalities. Laws of large numbers and central limit theorems for independent variables. Conditional expectation and Martingales.

(ii) Statistical Methods:

(a) Collection, compilation and presentation of data, Charts, diagrams and histogram. Frequency distribution. Measures of location, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis. Bivariate and multivariate data. Association and contingency. Curve fitting and orthogonal polynomials. Bivariate normal distribution. regression-linear, polynomial. Distribution of the correlation coefficient, Partial and multiple correlation, Intraclass correlation, Correlation ratio.

(b) Standard errors and large sample test. Sampling distributions of x,s2, t, chi-squre and F; tests of significance based on them, Small sample tests.

(c) Non-parametric tests-Goodness of fit, sign, median, run, Wicloxon, Mann-Whitney, Wald-Wolfowitz and Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Rank order statistics-minimum, maximum, range and median. Concept of Asymptotic relative effciency.

iii) Numerical Analysis: Interpolation formulae (with remainder terms) due to Lagrange, Newton-Gregory, Newton Divided different, Gauss and Striling. Euler-Maclaurin's summation formula. Inverse interpolation. Numerical integration and differentiation. Difference equations of the first order. Linear difference equations with constant coefficients.

Statistics II:

i) Linear Models: Theory of linear estimation. Gauss-Markoff setup. Least square estimators. Use of g-inverse. analysis of one-way and two way classified data-fixed, mixed and random effect models. Tests for regression coefficients.

ii) Estimation: Characteristics of good estimator. Estimation methods of maximum likelihood, minimum chi-square, moments and least squares. Optimal properties of maximum likelihood estimators. Minimum variance unbiased estimators. Minimum variance bound estimators. Cramer-Rao inequality. Bhattacharya bounds. Sufficient estimator. factorisation theorem. Complete statistics. Rao-Blackwell theorem. Confidence interval estimation. Optimum confidence bounds. Resampling, Bootstrap and Jacknife.

iii) Hypotheses testing and Statistical Quality Control

(a) Hypothesis testing: Simple and composite hypothesis. Two kinds of error. Critical region. Different types of critical regions and similar regions. Power function. Most powerful and uniformly most powerful tests. Neyman-Pearson fundamental lemma. Unbiased test. Randomised test. Likelihood ratio test. Wald's SPRT, OC and ASN functions. Elements of decision and game theory.

b) Statistical Quality Control: Control Charts for variable and attributes. Acceptance Sampling by attributes-Single, double, multiple and sequential Sampling plans; Concepts of AOQL and ATI; Acceptance Sampling by variables-use of Dodge-Romig and other tables.

iv) Multivariate Analysis: Multivariate normal distribution. Estimation of mean Vector and covariance matrix. Distribution of Hotelling's T2-statistic, Mahalanobis's D2-statistic, and their use in testing. Partial and multiple correlation coefficients in samples from a multivariate normal population. Wishart's distribution, its reproductive and other properties. Wilk's criterion. Discriminant function. Principal components. Canonical variates and correlations

Statistics III:

i) Sampling Techniques: Census versus sample survey. Pilot and large scale sample surveys. Role of NSS organisation. Simple random sampling with and without replacement. Stratified sampling and sample allocations. Cos and Variance functions. Ratio and Regression methods of estimation. Sampling with probability proportional to size. Cluster, double, multiphase, multistage and systematic sampling. Interpenetrating sub-sampling. Non-sampling errors.

ii) Design and Analysis of Experiments: Principles of design of experiments. Layout and analysis of completely randomised, randomised block and Latin square designs. Factorial experiments and confounding in 2n and 3n experiments. Split-plot and strip-plot designs. Construction and analysis of balanced and partially balanced incomplete block designs. Analysis of covariance. Analysis of non-orthogonal data. analysis of missing and mixed plot data.

iii) Economic Statistics: Components of time series. Methods of their determination-variate difference method. Yule-Slutsky effect. Correlogram. Autoregressive models of first and second order. Periodogram analysis. Index numbers of prices and quantities and their relative merits. Construction of index numbers of wholesale and consumer prices. Income distribution-Pareto and Engel curves. Concentration curve. Methods of estimating national income. Inter-sectoral flows. Inter-industry table. Role of CSO.

iv) Econometrics: Theory and analysis of consumer demand-specification and estimation of demand functions. Demand elasticities. Structure and model. Estimation of parameters in single equation model-classical least squares, generalised least-square, heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, multi-collinearity, errors in variable model. Simultaneous equation models-Identification, rank and other conditions. Indirect least squares and two stage least squares. Short-term economic forecasting.


(i) Stochastic Processes: Specifications of a Stochastic Process, Markov chains, classification of states, limiting probabilities; stationary distribution; Random walk and Gambler's ruin problem. Poisson process, Birth and death process; applications to Queues-M/M/I and M/M/C models. Branching Process.

(ii) Operations Research: Elements of linear programming. Simplex procedure. Pirnciple of duality. Transport and assignment problems. Single and multi-period inventory control models. ABC analysis. General simulation problems. Replacemnet models for items that fail and or items that deteriorate.

(iii) Demography and Vital Statistics: The life table, its constitution and properties. Makehams and Gompertz curves. National life tables. UN model life tables. Abridged life tables. Stable and stationary populations. Different birth rates. Total fertility rate. Gross and net reproduction rates. Different mortality rates. Standardised death rate. Internal and international migration: net migration. International and postcensal estimates. Projection method including logistic curve fitting. Decennial population census in India.

(iv) Computer Application and Data Processing

(a) Computer Application:

Computer system concepts: Computer system components and functions. The Central Processing unit, Main memory, Bit, Byte, Word, Input/Output Devices, Speeds and memory Capacities in computer systems.

Software concepts: Overview of Operating Systems, Types and Functions of Operating System, application Software, Software for multi-tasking, multi-programming, Batch Processign Mode, Time sharing mode, Concept of System Support Programme, Overview of Existing Software packages on Word Processing and Spreadsheets.

Overview of an application Specific Programme: Flow charts, Basics of Algorithm, Fundamental of design and analysis of Algorithm; Basics of data structure, Queue, Stack.

(b) Data Processing:

Data processing: Digital Number System, Number conversions, Binary representation of integers, Binary representation of real numbers, Logical Data element like cjharacter, fields, records, files, Fundamentals of data transmission and processing incluidng error contro and error processing.

Data base management: Data Resource management. Data base and file organisation and procesing. (a) Direct, (b) Sequantial, (c) Indexed Sequential file. Concepts of Client Server architecture, Data Base Administrator. An overview of DBMS software.

Part - II: Viva Voce: The candidate will be interviewed by a Board of competent and unbiased observers who will have before them a record of his career. The object of the interview is to assess his suitability for the Service for which he has competed. The interview is intended to supplement the written examination for testing the general and specialised knowledge and abilities of the candidate. The candidate will be expected to have taken an intelligent interest not only in his subjects of academic study but also in events which are happening around him both within and outside his own State or country, as well as in modern currents of thought and in new discoveries which should rouse the curiosity of well-educated youth.

The technique of the interview is not that of a strict cross examination, but of a natural, though directed and purposive conversation, intended to reveal mental qualities of the candidate and his/her grasp of problems. The Board will pay special attention to assessing the intellectual curiosity, critical powers of assimilation, balance of judgment and alertness of mind, the ability for social cohesion, integrity of character, initiation and capacity of leadership

Have a Good Fortune........

Syllabus for Central Police Forces (AC) Exam 2011

Union Public Service Commission is Conducting Central Police Force Exam for Assistant Commandants on October 9th, 2011.

Last Date to Apply - June 27th, 2011...

See the Syllabus below

Paper I: General Ability and Intelligence
1. General Mental Ability
The questions will be designed to test the logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude including numerical ability, and data interpretation.
2. General Science
The questions will be set to test general awareness, scientific temper, comprehension and appreciation of scientific phenomena of everyday observation including new areas of importance like Information Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Science.
3. Current Events of National and International Importance:
The questions will test the candidates' awareness of current events of national and international importance in the broad areas of culture, music, arts, literature, sports, governance, societal and developmental issues, industry, business, globalisation, and interplay among nations.
4. Indian Polity and Economy:
The questions shall aim to test candidates' knowledge of the Country's political system and the Constitution of India, social systems and public administration, economic development in India , including its indicators.
5. History of India:
The questions will broadly cover the subject in its social, economic and political aspects. This shall also include the areas of growth of nationalism and freedom movement.
6. Indian and World Geography:
The questions shall cover the physical, social and economic aspects of geography pertaining to India and the World.
Paper II: Essay, Precis Writing and Comprehension
This paper shall test candidates' ability to bring to fore his/her ideas on the given essay topic, arrange them in a coherent, orderly, concise, understandable and lucid manner in effective and grammatically correct language free from spelling errors. Further, this shall test candidates' ability to understand the given passages for précis writing and comprehension and their skills to summarise the précis passage and reply to the short-answered questions on the comprehension passage.

Wish You Have a Happy Chance................

Syllabus for CDS Exam II 2011

Union Public Service Commission is Conducting Combined Defence Service Exam on September 18th, 2011.

Last Date to Apply - June 6th, 2011...

Here is the Syllabus

English (Code No. 01)
The question paper will be designed to test the candidates’ understanding of English and workmanlike use of words.

General Knowledge (Code No. 02)
General Knowledge including knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject.
The paper will also include questions on History of India and Geography of a nature which candidate should be able to answer without special study

Elementary Mathematics (Code No. 03) :
Arithmetic :
Number System-Natural numbers, Integers, Rational and Real numbers. Fundamental
operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, Square roots, Decimal, fractions.
Unitary method, time and distance, time and work, percentages, applications to simple
and compound interest, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, variation.
Elementary Number Theory- Division algorithm. Prime and composite numbers. Tests of
divisibility by 2,3,4,5,9 and 11. Multiples and factors. Factorisation Theorem. H.C.F. and L.C.M. Euclidean algorithm, Logarithms to base 10, laws of logarithms, use of logarithmic tables.

Algebra :

Basic Operations, simple factors, Remainder Theorem, H.C.F., L.C.M. Theory of polynomials, solutions of quadratic equations, relation between its roots and coefficients (Only real roots to be considered).

Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns-analytical and graphical solutions. Simultaneous linear inequations in two variables and their solutions.
Practical problems leading to two simultaneous linear equations or inequations in two variables or quadratic equations in one variable & their solutions. Set language and set notation, Rational expressions and conditional identities, Laws of indices..

Trigonometry :
Sine x, cosine x, Tangent x when 00 <
x < 900 Values of sin x, cos x and tan x, for x = 00, 300, 450, 600 and 900
Simple trigonometric identities.
Use of trigonometric tables.
simple cases of heights and distances.

Geometry :
Lines and angles, Plane and plane figures, Theorems on
  • Properties of angles at a point
  • Parallel lines
  • Sides and angles of a triangle
  • Congruency of triangles
  • Similar triangles
  • Concurrence of medians and altitudes
  • Properties of angles, sides and diagonals of a parallelogram, rectangle and square
  • Circles and its properties including tangents and normals
  • Loci.
Mensuration :
Areas of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, triangle and circle. Areas of figures which can be split up into these figures (Field Book), Surface area and volume of cuboids, lateral surface and volume of right circular cones and cylinders, surface area and volume of spheres.

Statistics :
Collection and tabulation of statistical data, Graphical representation, frequency polygons, histograms, bar charts, pie charts etc. Measures of central tendency.

Intelligence and personality test :
In addition to the interview the candidates will be put to Intelligence Tests both verbal and non-verbal, designed to assess their basic intelligence. They will also be put to Group Tests such as group discussions, group planning, outdoor group tasks, and asked to give brief lectures on specified subjects. All these tests are intended to judge the mental calibre of a candidate.
In broad terms, this is really an assessment of not only his / her intellectual qualities but also his / her social traits and interests in current affairs.....

Best Of Luck.........

Syllabus for NDA & NA Exam 2011

Union Public Service Commission is Conducting National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Exam on August 21st, 2011.

Last Date to Apply - May 9th, 2011...

The Syllabus is

Paper I
ode No. 01)
(Maximum Marks – 300)
Algebra :Concept of a set, operations on sets, Venn diagrams.  De Morgan laws.  Cartesian product, relation, equivalence relation.
Representation of real numbers on a line.  Complex numbers – basic properties, modulus, argument, cube roots of unity.  Binary system of numbers.  Conversion of a number in decimal system to binary system and vice-versa.  Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions.  Quadratic equations with real coefficients.  Solution of linear inequations of two variables by graphs.  Permutation and Combination.  Binomial theorem and its application.  Logarithms and their applications.
Matrices and Determinants:
Types of matrices, operations on matrices Determinant of a matrix, basic  properties of determinant.  Adjoint and inverse of a square matrix, Applications – Solution of a system of linear equations in two or three unknowns by Cramer’s rule and by Matrix Method.
Angles and their measures in degrees and in radians.  Trigonometrical ratios.  Trigonometric identities  Sum and difference formulae.  Multiple and Sub-multiple angles.  Inverse trigonometric functions.  Applications – Height and distance, properties of triangles.
Analytical Geometry of two and three dimensions:
Rectangular Cartesian Coordinate system.  Distance formula.  Equation of a line in various forms.  Angle between two lines.  Distance of a point from a line.  Equation of a circle in standard and in general form.  Standard forms of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola.  Eccentricity and axis of a conic.
Point in a three dimensional space, distance between two points.  Direction Cosines and direction ratios.  Equation of a plane and a line in various forms.  Angle between two lines and angle between two planes.  Equation of a sphere.
Differential Calculus:
Concept of a real valued function – domain, range and graph of a function.  Composite functions, one to one, onto and inverse functions.  Notion of limit, Standard limits – examples.  Continuity of functions – examples, algebraic operations on continuous functions.  Derivative of a function at a point, geometrical and physical interpreatation of a derivative – applications.  Derivatives of sum, product and quotient of functions, derivative of a function with respect of another function, derivative of a composite function.  Second order derivatives.  Increasing and decreasing functions.  Application of derivatives in problems of maxima and minima.
Integral Calculus and Differential equations:
Integration as inverse of differentiation, integration by substitution and by parts, standard integrals involving algebraic expressions, trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions.  Evaluation of definite integrals – determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curves – applications. Definition of order and degree of a differential equation, formation of a differential equation by examples.  General and particular solution of a differential equation, solution of first order and first degree differential equations of various types – examples.  Application in problems of growth and decay.
Vector Algebra :_
Vectors in two and three dimensions, magnitude and direction of a vector.  Unit and null vectors, addition of vectors, scalar multiplication of vector, scalar product or dot product of two-vectors.  Vector product and cross product of two vectors.  Applications-work done by a force and moment of a force, and in geometrical problems.
Statistics and Probability :-
Statistics: Classification of data, Frequency distribution, cumulative frequency distribution – examples Graphical representation – Histogram, Pie Chart, Frequency Polygon – examples.  Measures of Central tendency – mean, median and mode.  Variance and standard deviation – determination and comparison.  Correlation and regression.
Probability : Random experiment, outcomes and associated sample space, events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, impossible and certain events.  Union and Intersection of events.  Complementary, elementary and composite events.  Definition of probability – classical and statistical – examples.  Elementary theorems on probability – simple problems.  Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem – simple problems.  Random variable as function on a sample space.  Binomial distribution, examples of random experiments giving rise to Binominal distribution.

Paper II
General Ability Test
(Code No. 02)
(Maximum Marks-600)
Part “A” – ENGLISH (Maximum Marks 200). The question paper in English will be designed to test the candidate”s understanding of English and workman like use of words. The Syllabus covers various aspects like : Grammar and usage, vocabulary, comprehension and cohesion in extended text to test the candidate”s proficiency in English.
(Maximum Marks-400)
The question paper on General Knowledge will broadly cover the subjects : Physics, Chemistry, General Science, Social Studies, Geography and Current Events.
The syllabus given below is designed to indicate the scope of these subjects included in this paper. The topics mentioned are not to be regarded as exhaustive and questions on topics of similar nature not specifically mentioned in the syllabus may also be asked. Candidate”s answers are expected to show their knowledge and intelligent understanding of the subject.
Section “A” (Physics)
Physical Properties and States of Matter, Mass, Weight, Volume, Density and Specific Gravity, Principle of Archimedes, Pressure Barometer.
Motion of objects, Velocity and Acceleration, Newton”s Laws of Motion, Force and Momentum, Parallelogram of Forces, Stability and Equilibrium of bodies, Gravitation, elementary ideas of work, Power and Energy.
Effects of Heat, Measurement of temperature and heat, change of State and Latent Heat, Modes of transference of Heat.
Sound waves and their properties, Simple musical instruments.
Rectilinear propagation of Light, Reflection and refraction. Spherical mirrors and Lenses. Human Eye.
Natural and Artificial Magnets, Properties of a Magnet, Earth as a Magnet.
Static and Current Electricity, conductors and Non-conductors, Ohm”s Law, Simple Electrical Circuits, Heating, Lighting and Magnetic effects of Current, Measurement of Electrical Power, Primary and Secondary Cells, Use of X-Rays.
General Principles in the working of the following :
Simple Pendulum, Simple Pulleys, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker, Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Telegraphs, Telephone, Periscope, Telescope, Microscope, Mariner”s Compass; Lightening Conductors, Safety Fuses.
Section “B” (Chemistry)
Physical and Chemical changes. Elements, Mixtures and Compounds, Symbols, Formulae and simple Chemical Equations, Law of Chemical Combination (excluding problems). Properties of Air and Water.
Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbondioxide, Oxidation and Reduction.
Acids, bases and salts.
Carbon – different forms.
Fertilizers – Natural and Artificial
Material used in the preparation of substances like soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Safety Matches, and Gun-Powder.
Elementary ideas about the Structure of Atom, Atomic, Equivalent and Molecular Weights, Valency.
Section “C” (General Science)
Difference between the living and non- living.
Basis of Life – Cells, Protoplasms and Tissues.
Growth and Reproduction in Plants and Animals.
Elementary knowledge of human Body and its important organs.
Common Epidemics, their causes and prevention.
Food – Source of Energy for man. Constituents of food, Balanced Diet.
The Solar System – Meteors and Comets, Eclipses.
Achievements of Eminent Scientists.
Section “D” (History, Freedom Movement etc.)
A broad survey of Indian History, with emphasis on Culture and Civilisation.
Freedom Movement in India.
Elementary study of Indian Constitution and Administration.
Elementary knowledge of Five Year Plans of India.
Panchayati Raj, Co-operatives and Community Development.
Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, National Integration and Welfare State, Basic Teachings of Mahatma Gandhi.
Forces shaping the modern world; Renaissance, Exploration and Discovery; War of American Independence. French Revolution, Industrial Revolution and Russian Revolution. Impact of Science and Technology on Society. Concept of one World, United Nations, Panchsheel, Democracy. Socialism and Communism. Role of India in the present world.
Section “E” (Geography)
The Earth, its shape and size. Lattitudes and Longitudes, Concept of time. International Date Line. Movements of Earth and their effects.
Origin of Earth. Rocks and their classification; Weathering – Mechanical and Chemical, Earthquakes and volcanoes.
Ocean Currents and Tides
Atmosphere and its composition; Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure, Planetary Winds, cyclones and Anti-cyclones; Humidity; Condensation and Precipitation; Types of Climate. Major Natural regions of the World.
Regional Geography of India – Climate, Natural vegetation. Mineral and Power resources; location and distribution of agricultural and industrial activities.
Important Sea ports and main sea, land and air routes of India. Main items of Imports and Exports of India.
Section “F” (Current Events)
Knowledge of Important events that have happened in India in the recent years.
Current important world events.
Prominent personalities – both Indian and International including those connected with cultural activities and sports.

Have a Confident, Exam will be easy...........

Syllabus for SCRA Exam 2011

Union Public Service Commission is Conducting Special Class Railway Apprentice Entrance Exam on July 31st, 2011.

Last Date to Apply - April 25th, 2011...

You can get the syllabus below


(i) English
The questions will be designed to test the candidates’ understanding and command of the language.

(ii) General Knowledge
The questions will be designed to test a candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. The standard of answers to questions should be as expected of students of standard 12 or equivalent.
Man and his environment
Evolution of life, plants and animals, heredity and environment-Genetics, cells, chromosomes, genes.
Knowledge of the human body-nutrition, balanced diet, substitute foods, public health and sanitation including control of epidemics and common diseases. Environmental pollution and its control. Food adulteration, proper storage and preservation of food grains and finished products, population explosion, population control. Production of food and raw materials. Breeding of animals and plants, artificial insemination, manures and fertilizers, crop protection measures, high yielding varieties and green revolution, main cereal and cash crops of India.
Solar system and the earth, Seasons, Climate, Weather, Soil-its formation, erosion. Forests and their uses. Natural calamities cyclones, floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions. Mountains and rivers and their role in irrigation in India. Distribution of natural resources and industries in India. Exploration of under-ground minerals including Oil Conservation of natural resources with particular reference to the flora and fauna of India.
History, Politics and Society in India
Vedic, Mahavir, Budhdha, Mauryan, Sunga, Andhra, Kushan. Gupta ages (Mauryan Pillars, Stupa Caves, Sanchi, Mathura and Gandharva Schools, Temple architecture, Ajanta and Ellora). The rise of new social forces with the coming of Islam and establishment of broader contacts. Transition from feudalism to capitalism. Opening of European contacts. Establishment of British rule in India. Rise of nationalism and national struggle for freedom culminating in Independence.
Constitution of India and its characteristic features – Democracy, Secularism, Socialism, equality of opportunity and Parliamentary form of Government. Major political ideologies-democracy, socialism, communism and Gandhian idea of non-violence. Indian political parties, pressure groups, public opinion and the press, electoral system.
India’s foreign policy and non-alignment-Arms race, balance of power. World organisation-political, social, economic and cultural. Important events (including sports and cultural activities) in India and abroad during the past two years.
Broad features of Indian social system: The caste system, hierarchy – recent changes and trends. Minority social institution – marriage, family, religion and acculturation.
Division of labour, co-operation, conflict and competition, Social control – reward and punishment, art, law, customs, propaganda, public opinion, agencies of social control – family, religion, state educational institutions; factors of social change- economic, technological, demographic, cultural; the concept of revolution.
Social disorganisation in India – Casteism, communalism, corruption in public life, youth unrest, beggary, drugs, delinquency and crime, poverty and unemployment.
Social planning and welfare in India, community development and labour welfare; welfare of Scheduled Castes and backward classes.
Money – Taxation, price, demographic trends, national income, economic growth. Private and Public Sectors; economic and non-economic factors in planning, balanced versus imbalanced growth, agricultural versus industrial development; inflation and price stabilization, problem of resource mobilisation. India’s Five Year Plans.

(iii) Psychological Test
The questions will be designed to assess the basic intelligence and mechanical aptitude of the candidate.


(i) Physics
Length measurements using vernier, screw gauge, spherometer and optical lever. Measurement of time and mass.
Straight line motion and relationships among displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Newton’s laws of motion, Momentum, impulse, work, energy and power.
Coefficient of friction.
Equilibrium of bodies under action of forces. Moment of a force, couple. Newton’s law of gravitation. Escape velocity. Acceleration due to gravity.
Mass and Weight; Centre of gravity, Uniform circular motion, centripetal force, simple Harmonic motion. Simple pendulum.
Pressure in a fluid and its variation with depth. Pascal’s law. Principle of Archimedes. Floating bodies, Atmospheric pressure and its measurement.
Temperature and its measurement. Thermal expansion, Gas laws and absolute temperature. Specific heat, latent heats and their measurement. Specific heat of gases. Mechanical equivalent of heat. Internal energy and First law of thermodynamics, Isothermal and adiabatic changes. Transmission of heat; thermal conductivity.
Wave motion; Longitudinal and transverse waves. Progressive and stationary waves, Velocity of sound in gas and its dependence on various factors. Resonance phenomena (air columns and strings).
Reflection and refraction of light. Image formation by curved mirrors and lenses, Microscopes and telescopes. Defects of vision.
Prisms, deviation and dispersion, Minimum deviation. Visible spectrum.
Field due to a bar magnet, Magnetic moment, Elements of Earth’s magnetic field. Magnetometers. Dia, para and ferromagnetism.
Electric charge, electric field and potential, Coulomb’s law.
Electric current; electric cells, e.m.f. resistance, ammeters and voltmeters. Ohm’s law; resistances in series and parallel, specific resistance and conductivity. Heating effect of current.
Wheatstone’s bridge, Potentiometer.
Magnetic effect of current; straight wire, coil and solenoid electromagnet; electric bell.
Force on a current-carrying conductor in magnetic field; moving coil galvanometers; conversion to ammeter or voltmeter.
Chemical effects of current; Primary and storage cells and their functioning, Laws of electrolysis.
Electromagnetic induction; Simple A.C. and D.C. generators. Transformers, Induction coil,
Cathode rays, discovery of the electron, Bohr model of the atom. Diode and its use as a rectifier.
Production, properties and uses of X-rays.
Radioactivity; Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays.
Nuclear energy; fission and fusion, conversion of mass into energy, chain reaction.

(ii) Chemistry
Physical Chemistry
1. Atomic structure; Earlier models in brief. Atom as at three dimensional model. Orbital concept. Quantum numbers and their significance, only elementary treatment.
Pauli’s Exclusion Principle. Electronic configuration. Aufbau Principle, s.p.d. and f. block elements.
Periodic classification only long form. Periodicity and electronic configuration. Atomic radii, Electro-negativity in period and groups.
2. Chemical Bonding, electro-valent, co-valent, coordinate covalent bonds. Bond Properties, sigma and Pie bonds, Shapes of simple molecules like water, hydrogen sulphide, methane and ammonium chloride. Molecular association and hydrogen bonding.
3. Energy changes in a chemical reaction. Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions. Application of First Law of Thermodynamics, Hess’s Law of constant heat summation.
4. Chemical Equilibria and rates of reactions. Law of Mass action. Effect of Pressure, Temperature and concentration on the rates of reaction. (Qualitative treatment based on Le Chatelier’s Principle). Molecularity; First and Second order reaction. Concept of Energy of activation. Application to manufacture of Ammonia and Sulphur trioxide.
5. Solutions : True solutions, colloidal solutions and suspensions. Colligative properties of dillute solutions and determination of Molecular weights of dissolved substances. Elevation of boiling points. Depressions of freezing point, osmotic pressure. Raoult’s law (non-thermodynamic treatment only).
6. Electro-Chemistry : Solution of Electrolytes, Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis, ionic equilibria, Solubility product.
Strong and weak electrolytes. Acids and Bases (Lewis and Bronstead concept). pH and Buffer solutions.
7. Oxidation – Reduction; Modern, electronics concept and oxidation number.
8. Natural and Artificial Radioactivity: Nuclear Fission and Fusion. Uses of Radioactive isotopes.
Inorganic Chemistry
Brief Treatment of Elements and their industrially important compounds :
1. Hydrogen : Position in the periodic table. Isotopes of hydrogen. Electronegative and electropositive character. Water, hard and soft water, use of water in industries, Heavy water and its uses.
2. Group I Elements : Manufacture of sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride.
3. Group II Elements : Quick and slaked lime. Gypsum, Plaster of Paris. Magnesium sulphate and Magnesia.
4. Group III Elements: Borax, Alumina and Alum.
5. Group IV Elements : Coals, Coke and solid Fuels, Silicates, Zolitis semi-conductors. Glass (Elementary treatment).
6. Group V Elements. Manufacture of ammonia and nitric acid. Rock Phosphates and safety matches.
7. Group VI Elements. Hydrogen peroxide, allotropy of sulphur, sulphuric acid. Oxides of sulphur.
8. Group VII Elements. Manufacture and uses of Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine, Hydrochloric acid. Bleaching powder.
9. Group O. (Noble gases) Helium and its uses.
10. Metallurgical Processes : General Methods of extraction of metals with specific reference to copper, iron, aluminium, silver, gold, zinc and lead. Common alloys of these metals; Nickel and manganese steels.
Organic Chemistry
1. Tetrahedral nature of carbon, Hybridisation and sigma pie bonds and their relative strength. Single and multiple bonds. Shapes of molecules. Geometrical and optical isomerism.
2. General methods of preparation, properties and reaction of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, Petroleum and its refining. Its uses as fuel.
Aromatic hydrocarbons : Resonance and aromaticity. Benzene and Naphthalene and their analogues. Aromatic substitution reactions.
3. Halogen derivatives : Chloroform, Carbon Tetrachloride, Chlorobenzene, D.D.T. and Gammexane.
4. Hydroxy Compounds : Preparation, properties and uses of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary alcohols, Methanol, Ethanol, Glycerol and Phenol, Substitution reaction at aliphatic carbon atom.
5. Ethers; Diethyl ether.
6. Aldehydes and ketones : Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Benzaldehyde, acetone, acetophenone.
7. Nitro compounds amines: Nitrobenzene TNT, Anlline, Diazonium Compounds, Azodyes.
8. Carboxylic acid : Formic, acetic, denezoic and salicylic acids, acetyl salicylic acid.
9. Esters : Ethylacerate, Methyl salicylates, ethylbenzoate.
10. Polymers : Polythene, Teflon, Perpex, Artificial Rubber, Nylon and polyester fibers.
11. Nonstructural treatment of Carbohydrates, Fats and Lipids, amino acids and proteins –

1. Algebra:Concept of a set, Union and Intersection of sets, Complement of a set, Null set, Universal set and Power set, Venn diagrams and simple applications. Cartesian product of two sets, relation and mapping – examples, Binary operation on a set – examples.
Representation of real numbers on a line. Complex numbers: Modulus, Argument, Algebraic operations on complex numbers. Cube roots of unity. Binary system of numbers, Conversion of a decimal number to a binary number and vice-versa. Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic progressions. Summation of series involving A.P., G.P., and H.P.. Quadratic equations with real co-efficients. Quadratic expressions: extreme values. Permutation and Combination, Binomial theorem and its applications.
Matrices and Determinants: Types of matrices, equality, matrix addition and scalar multiplication – properties. Matrix multiplication – non-commutative and distributive property over addition. Transpose of a matrix, Determinant of a matrix. Minors and Co-factors. Properties of determinants. Singular and non-singular matrices. Adjoint and Inverse of a square-matrix, Solution of a system of linear equations in two and three variables-elimination method, Cramers rule and Matrix inversion method (Matrices with m rows and n columns where m, n less than equal to 3 are to be considered).
Idea of a Group, Order of a Group, Abelian group. Identitiy and inverse elements-Illustration by simple examples.
2. Trigonometry:
Addition and subtraction formulae, multiple and sub-multiple angles. Products and factoring formulae. Inverse trigonometric functions – Domains, Ranges and Graphs. DeMoivre’s theorem, expansion of Sin n 0 and Cos n 0 in a series of multiples of Sines and Cosines. Solution of simple trigonometric equations. Applications: Heights and Distance.
3. Analytic Geometry (two dimensions)
Rectangular Cartesian. Coordinate system, distance between two points, equation of a straight line in various forms, angle between two lines, distance of a point from a line. Transformation of axes. Pair of straight lines, general equation of second degree in x and y – condition to represent a pair of straight lines, point of intersection, angle between two lines. Equation of a circle in standard and in general form, equations of tangent and normal at a point, orthogonality of two cricles. Standard equations of parabola, ellipse and hyperbola – parametric equations, equations of tangent and normal at a point in both cartesian and parametric forms.
4. Differential Calculus
Concept of a real valued function – domain, range and graph. Composite functions, one to one, onto and inverse functions, algebra of real functions, examples of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Notion of limit, Standard limits – examples. Continuity of functions – examples, algebraic operations on continuous functions. Derivative of a function at a point, geometrical and physical interpretation of a derivative – applications. Derivative of sum, product and quotient of functions, derivative of a function with respect to another function, derivative of a composite function, chain rule. Second order derivatives. Rolle’s theorem (statement only), increasing and decreasing functions. Application of derivatives in problems of maxima, minima, greatest and least values of a function.
5. Integral Calculus and Differential equations:
Integral Calculus : Integration as inverse of differentiation, integration by substitution and by parts, standard integrals involving algebraic expression, trigonometric, exponential and hyperbolic functions. Evaluation of definite integrals-determination of areas of plane regions bounded by curves- applications.
Differential equations : Definition of order and degree of a differential equation, formation of a differential equation by examples. General and particular solution of a differential equation, solution of first order and first degree differential equation of various types – examples. Solution of second order homogeneous differential equation with constant co-efficients.
6. Vectors and its applications:
Magnitude and direction of a vector, equal vectors, unit vector, zero vector, vectors in two and three dimensions, position vector. Multiplication of a vector by a scalar, sum and difference of two vectors, Parallelogram law and triangle law of addition. Multiplication of vectors – scalar product or dot product of two vectors, perpendicularity, commutative and distributive properties. Vector product or cross product of two vectors – its properties, unit vector perpendicular to two given vectors. Scalar and vector triple products. Equations of a line, plane and sphere in vector form – simple problems. Area of a triangle, parallelogram and problems of plane geometry and trigonometry using vector methods. Work done by a force and moment of a force.
7. Statistics and probability:
Statistics : Frequency distribution, cumulative frequency distribution – examples. Graphical representation – Histogram, frequency polygon – examples. Measure of central tendency – mean, median and mode. Variance and standard deviation – determination and comparison. Correlation and regression.
Probability : Random experiment, outcomes and associated sample space, events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, impossible and certain events. Union and Intersection of events. Complementary, elementary and composite events. Definition of probability : classical and statistical – examples. Elementary theorems on probability – simple problems. Conditional probability, Bayes’ theorem – simple problems. Random variable as function on a sample space. Binomial distribution, examples of random experiments giving rise to Binomial distribution.

Good Luck..................

Syllabus for Indian Forest Service Exam 2011

Union Public Service Commission is Conducting Indian Forest Service Exam on July 9th, 2011.

Last Date to Apply - April 18th, 2011...

You can get the syllabus from the following link

All The Best.........

Syllabus for Civil Service Exam 2011

Union Public Service Commission is conducting Civil Service Exam (Preliminary) on June 12, 2011. 

Last date to apply - March 21st, 2011.

Here is the Syllabus

(Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs.
  • Current events of national and international importance
  • History of India and Indian national movement
  • Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
  • Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
  • Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
  • General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization
  • General science.
(Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs
  • Comprehension
  • Interpersonal skills including communication skills
  • Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Decision making and problem solving
  • General mental ability
  • Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
  • English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
  • Questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills of Class X level (last item in the Syllabus of Paper-II) will be tested through passages from English language only without providing Hindi translation thereof in the question paper.
  • The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type
Best Wishes............

Syllabus for Bharathiar University SET Exam 2011

Bharathiar University is conduting State level eligibility test (SET) for Lectureship on August 14th,2011....

Last Date for Receiving Filled in Application: 14-06-2011.

Here, You can get the Syllabus for SET Exam...

BEST OF LUCK...............